Monday, June 2

ain't no sunshine when she's gone...

Driving out from Bardon, we stopped at the traffic lights and got sent a sign from the divine powers above. What we wanted to do was to turn left and head to the City, but what THEY really wanted us to do was to turn right and head down to uni =( BOO! Especially on a rainy day like today. Bloody gloomy, cold and wet. Rain in winter is no fun. Not when it rains for a 2nd week in a row...

But like any other playful bunch of monkeys, we chose to have a quick trip round the City before heading down to uni =x ehehe...

Mother nature did not intend for monkeys to be kept in captivity..
(i.e: us in a small study room) tends to aggravate us monkeys and cause much stress being cooped up in a confined space...

So, here's to the fun and joy of studying and the happy singing donuts that awaits us at the end of the rainbow.. Blergh.

1 whosays:

Anonymous said...

etude dur